Residence by Investment Program


The Bahamas, an independent Caribbean island nation, is renowned for its wealth, stability, and a significant expatriate community. The country’s government offers Bahamas residency by investment, known as the Bahamas Golden Visa, which grants permanent residency by investment to investors and their families. This program is particularly appealing due to its favorable tax system, including no personal or most types of corporate income tax, and the strength of the Bahamian passport.

Bahamas Residency by Investment Program

Minimum Investment

Minimum investment of USD 500,000

Average Processing Time

3 - 6 months Including Issuance of residence permit

Key Advantage

This program invites global investors to contribute to Bahama's growth and in return, obtain residence status along with potential citizenship

Investment Options

Real Estate: Purchase residential real estate property in the Bahamas, with a minimum investment of $500,000. Properties valued above $1,500,000 receive expedited consideration.

Economic Investment: Investing a minimum of $500,000 in priority sectors like tourism, marina construction, information technology, or medicine. This involves financing a business that employs Bahamians
Bahamas Golden Visa Program

Tax Implications and Benefits

Tax-Free Jurisdiction: No income tax, corporate tax, capital gains tax or tax on crypto.
Low Minimum-Stay Requirement: Applicants must live in the Bahamas for at least 90 days per calendar year to maintain residency.
Path to Citizenship: After ten years of residency, including a minimum of six years spent in the Bahamas, applicants can apply for citizenship, though they must renounce their original citizenship


The Bahamas Residency by Investment Program offers a straightforward and efficient route to permanent residency, coupled with the potential for citizenship, in a politically stable and high-quality living environment. This program is particularly attractive for HNWIs seeking a favorable tax environment and the possibility of residing in a premier Caribbean location.


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